About Us
Launched in December 2021, Spanish Club is an online boutique shop specialized in promoting and making more accessible to all the best gourmet and delicatessen food products, wines, and liquors handcrafted and produced in Spain.
We are a diverse and experienced team of enthusiasts of Spanish food and wines seeking to share and make them more understandable, affordable, and convenient to enjoy, regardless of where you live in the world.
If you enjoy Spanish food and wine, or are curious about it and want to know more, we have created this shop specifically for you. We are committed to improving our offering and assistance to you each day.
All our products are 100% handcrafted or made in Spain. All orders are fully prepared by our team and shipped from our warehouse in the Maresme region of Barcelona.
SpanishClub.lt e-commerce shop is 100% owned and managed by the Spanish-based private limited firm Fevech Gourmet eVentures S.L., or Feve.ch in short, which company and tax details are as follows:
Fevech Gourmet eVentures S.L.
VAT ID / Tax ID: ESB02837821
Company registered on January 12, 2021, in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona (Registro Mercantil de Barcelona), Spain, at volume 47610, book 37, sheet 557028.
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +34 618 37 59 55
Available working days Monday to Friday, from 10:30 to 19:00 (Lithuania time), excluding local holidays in Spain.
Administrative Office Address: Carrer Can Ripoll 29, Sant Vicenç de Montalt, Barcelona 08394, Spain
Warehouse & fulfillment center: Polígon Industrial Pla D´En Boet, Via Sèrgia, 65-B2, Mataró 08302, Barcelona, Spain (in front of DHL facilities)